
Independently evaluated as the safest and most privacy focused AI platform.
(Compliant with SOC-2, FERPA, COPPA, GDPR, and State Privacy Laws)

We deeply appreciate the importance of safeguarding the personal information of our students and staff. We are committed to adhering to the requirements and responsibilities under key legislations such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Children’s Online Privacy and Protection Act (COPPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and relevant state student data privacy laws. To ensure this, we have adopted rigorous technical, administrative, and physical information security measures. Our safeguards are aimed at maintaining the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of the personal information entrusted to us. See our announcement of a 93% Privacy Rating (the best of all AI tools) from Common Sense Media here.

User Interface to Promote Responsible AI Usage in Schools

Our user interface is thoughtfully designed to incorporate robust back-end safeguards and provide clear guidance to teachers. It's user-friendly and intuitive, with built-in features and alerts to caution users about the potential for bias, the need for factual accuracy, and the importance of avoiding personal identifiable information (PII). We've gone beyond just creating an engaging experience – we've engineered an environment that prioritizes safety, security, and reliability. Our enduring commitment to responsible innovation ensures we continually refine our platform to serve our users' needs better while upholding data privacy and content integrity.

Data Privacy and Management

We prioritize privacy by ensuring our application doesn't require or encourage users to submit personal identifiable student information. If such data is inadvertently submitted, we view it as a privacy policy breach and quickly implement measures to rectify the situation. With a committed team on board, we vigilantly monitor and review our data, promptly deleting any inadvertently shared personal identifiable information.  We also do not sell any personal information.

Read our policies here:

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